Best AI SEO software

9 सर्वश्रेष्ठ एआई एसईओ सॉफ्टवेयर (2024 में तेजी से रैंक)

If you’re looking for a way to make your website rank faster in this age, then you need to check out the best AI SEO software. This type of software uses artificial intelligence to help you optimize your website and rank higher on search engine results pages.

According to Backlinko, the first result on Google search pages receives around 28 percent of all clicks. For such a reason, AI SEO tools are becoming more and more popular as businesses strive to stay ahead of the competition.

You’re going to discover the top AI SEO software programs available right now in this article. We’ll talk about how they can help you improve your website’s performance and more.

अस्वीकरण: क्योंकि साइट पाठक-समर्थित है, यदि आप हमारे संबद्ध लिंक का उपयोग करते हैं तो हम कमीशन कमा सकते हैं।

What Is AI SEO?

AI SEO is the process of optimizing a website to appear and rank on search engines using artificial intelligence. It’s just like regular सर्च इंजन अनुकूलन, except in a more automated way. AI SEO software is a tool that uses computer systems to help you with site optimization.

What Are the Best AI SEO Tools?

Here is a list of the best AI SEO software tools available online to use.

1. सर्फर एसईओ

(सामान्य तौर पर सर्वश्रेष्ठ)

सर्फर एसईओ

This is one of the most popular AI SEO tools out there. सर्फर एसईओ optimization can help you go to page 1 of Google. You simply follow its data-driven recommendations on how to improve your website’s ranking.

This AI SEO tool gives you a content strategy optimized for your niche, site, and audience. It uses artificial intelligence to help you analyze your competitors and find the best keywords to use on your website. You can also get article outlines within a fraction of the time so you can write and publish content consistently.

If you need more, you can try Surfer SEO’s audit. This feature will help you fix numerous SEO mistakes your site may have and start seeing organic traffic growth.

Check this 3-minute explanation of how Surfer SEO works:

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • Content planner: Get a plan and content ideas that fit your site niche.
  • Article outline: Surfer SEO provides you with headers and paragraphs that perfectly display what you want to pass across.
  • Content editor: Find out the best word count, image count, keywords, and article structure for your blog content.
  • Keyword Surfer: Research keywords fast using the Chrome extension available on Surfer SEO for free.
  • SEO audit: Get insights on what you need to fix on your site to improve your ranks.
  • एकीकरण: You can integrate Surfer SEO with tools like सूर्यकांत मणि, one of the top AI writing assistants.

सर्फर एसईओ मूल्य निर्धारण

सर्फर एसईओ मूल्य निर्धारण

Surfer SEO has several paid plans you can pick depending on the number of sites, pages, and articles you need to optimize.

  • आवश्यक: $89/माह
  • विकसित: $179/माह
  • अधिकतम: $299/माह
  • उद्यम: कस्टम मूल्य निर्धारण

2. Semrush

(Best for Technical SEO)


This is an SEO platform widely used by businesses of all sizes to improve their online visibility. It has over 10 million registered users and received several international awards as an SEO software suite.

सेमरश has numerous features that can help you boost your search visibility online. One of the most popular is its technical SEO audit. This feature will help you find and fix complex on-site issues that are affecting your website’s ranking.

The Semrush dashboard is quite easy to understand. You can create multiple projects and the tool will show you your sites’ health, backlinks, and organic traffic, among other elements.

The tool also has a position-tracking feature that allows you to track your progress and ranking over time. You can also use this tool to do keyword research, competitor analysis, and more.

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • All-in-one marketing platform: Over 55 tools for SEO, content marketing, competitor research, PPC, and social media marketing.
  • Site audit: Discover technical SEO issues affecting your website’s ranking.
  • On-page SEO checker: Improve your website’s content and structure for better ranking.
  • खोजशब्द अनुसंधान उपकरण: Find the best keywords to use for your website.
  • Competitive research: Understand what your competitors are doing to rank higher on search engines.
  • Position tracking: Track your progress and ranking over time.
  • लिंक भवन: Build high-quality backlinks to improve your website’s authority.
  • SEO writing assistant: Semrush also has AI writing abilities to create or rephrase your content and make it more SEO-friendly.

सेमरश मूल्य निर्धारण

Semrush has a free trial of 7 days. You can choose a paid plan to try out for free from the first two of the three available ones.

सेमरश मूल्य निर्धारण
  • समर्थक: $129.95/माह
  • गुरु: $249.95/माह
  • व्यापार: $499.95/माह

3. आउटरैंकिंग

(Best for Content Strategy in SEO)


आउटरैंकिंग is a tool that combines the power of human intelligence and machine learning to deliver the best results for your SEO campaigns. It’s designed to help content teams and agencies save time and money while improving their client’s ranking.

Among the things that Outranking focuses on is content strategy. The tool will help you plan, create, and optimize your content for better ranking.

It also has features for on-page SEO, rank tracking, and more. Additionally, Outranking has a team of experts who are always working on new features and improvements.

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • AI writing: Get help with writing high-quality and in-depth content.
  • सामग्री रणनीति: Discover the right topics and keywords to go after for niche domination.
  • सामग्री अनुकूलन: Automatically get SEO suggestions from your previous ranking data to make search engines easily understand your content.

आउटरैंकिंग मूल्य निर्धारण

You can pick from four plans.

आउटरैंकिंग मूल्य निर्धारण
  • स्टार्टर: $7/month (first month) and then 49/month for beginners
  • एकल: $79/month and suits small sites
  • समर्थक: $149/month and suits medium sites
  • कंपनी: $219/month and suites large sites

4. Scalenut

(Best for SEO Keyword Planning)


Among the top AI SEO platforms that give you a chance to increase your traffic and conversions is Scalenut. Companies like Adobe, Amazon, and Airtel trust this tool for co-piloting their SEO content strategy.

Scalenut differs a bit from other software that use AI to boost your optimization efforts. It uses advanced NLP models, has access to the latest information, and can as well create blog content for you.

With Scalenut, you can even 10X your growth when it comes to organic traffic. No more struggling to plan keywords, analyze competition, or write and optimize SEO content.

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • SEO blog creator: Write SEO-friendly posts from scratch for publishing on your blog.
  • कीवर्ड योजना: Plan your keywords and organize them into topic clusters automatically to boost your authority.
  • Competition research tool: Find out the terms that your competitors are ranking for and get insights into beating them on search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Optimization: Let Scalenut analyze, give you a score, and provide suggestions to tweak your existing content for maximum SEO performance.

Scalenut Pricing

Scalenut has 3 plans that all include a 7-day free trial.

Scalenut Pricing
  • Essential: $39/month
  • विकास: $79/माह
  • समर्थक: $149/माह

5. रैंकआईक्यू

(एसईओ लेखन के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ)


रैंकआईक्यू is an AI-driven SEO software that helps you improve your website’s ranking in search engines. It uses machine learning to analyze data from Google and other sources to determine how search engine algorithms work. This way, it can provide you with accurate predictions about the changes you need to make on your website for better ranking.

RankIQ helps you come up with a well-optimized blog post. Using the tool, you’ll be able to find the right keywords from its keyword library and the most appropriate title and outline. You’ll know what you need to add or remove from existing posts to make them appear higher in search results.

Also with this SEO toolset, you can track your website’s ranking and performance using real-time data from Google and other search engines. You can also use this tool to get insights into how competitors are performing on SERPs to help you improve your SEO strategy.

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • AI-driven SEO: Get accurate predictions about the changes you need to make on your website for better ranking.
  • Content optimization: Come up with a well-optimized blog post in just 30 minutes or less.
  • Keyword library: Find the right keywords with less competition depending on your niche from its keyword library.
  • Real-time rank tracking: Track your website’s ranking and performance with the most recent data from Google and other search engines.
  • Competitor analysis: Know your competitors’ positions on SERPs and improve your SEO strategy accordingly.

रैंकआईक्यू मूल्य निर्धारण

Usually, RankIQ costs $99 a month. At the moment, there’s 50 percent off and you only pay $49.

रैंकआईक्यू मूल्य निर्धारण

6. GrowthBar

(ब्लॉगिंग के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ)


ग्रोथबार is an AI-powered SEO tool that you can use to increase your website’s organic traffic and rankings. It helps you create SEO-friendly web pages and blog posts that Google as well as your audience can easily understand.

What GrowthBar does is assist you right from when you’re planning your content up to when it’s ready for publishing. The tool will generate titles, outlines, intros, and paragraphs for your blog post. It can help you find the best keywords to increase your chances of ranking well.

As if that’s not enough, you also get well-written and optimized meta descriptions. It’s also possible to check any site’s authority score, keywords, and backlinks using GrowthBar.

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • SEO content writing platform: Get AI-generated titles, outlines, and text for your upcoming blog posts.
  • Domain authority checker: Check a website’s authority score
  • Backlink checker: Find out what backlinks your competitors have and discover opportunities to get new links too.
  • कीवर्ड अनुसंधान: Access billions of keyword suggestions and track the ones any site ranks for.

ग्रोथबार मूल्य निर्धारण

GrowthBar offers a free trial of 5 days for all its plans.

ग्रोथबार मूल्य निर्धारण
  • मानक: $48/माह
  • समर्थक: $99/माह
  • एजेंसी: $199/माह

7. WordLift

(Best for Structured Data in SEO)


In case you need another tool for growing your traffic, WordLift may interest you. WordLift is AI-powered and trusted by teams from world-class brands like Airbnb and CafeMedia.

With the tool, you can quickly automate SEO by adding structured data to your site. It also enables you to enhance the readability of your content by search engines to give you a chance of becoming visible on more search results.

What happens on WordLift is that it analyzes your article’s text and categorizes it into the entities who, what, when, and where. You can even add your own entities. It can also suggest some of your other related articles to readers based on the ideas covered in the text.

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • AI-based structured data: Make your content more accessible and easier to analyze by search engines and readers as well.
  • Knowledge graph: Access schema types like NewArticle, FAQPage, and LocalBusiness.
  • SEO analysis: WordLift works with WooRank to provide you with insightful data.

मूल्य निर्धारण

WordLift has 3 plans:

WordLift Pricing
  • स्टार्टर: €59/month
  • पेशेवर: €99/month
  • Business + E-commerce: €249/month

8. Diib

(Best for Affordable SEO)


Diib is an SEO tool that uses artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms to help you grow your business. Over 250,000 website owners across the world use it.

Diib is useful for automating the SEO process. You won’t have to spend countless hours trying to correct SEO problems like in a regular case.

Furthermore, you can use Diib to see what your competitors are doing. It’s an easy way to know what can work for you too in the SEO game without much trial and error.

The best thing about Diib is that it barely consumes any time to set up. It takes seconds to analyze your site and that of your competitors.

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • SEO automation: Set up the tool and let it work for you in growing your online presence.
  • Competitor analysis: Benchmark yourself against others in your niche and level.
  • Keyword explorer: Find out which keywords you’re ranking for on Google and new ones as well.
  • बैकलिंक विश्लेषण: Check your current backlinks and site authority and discover new link opportunities.
  • Website monitoring: Know where you are in terms of daily and weekly performance.

Diib Pricing

Diib has a free and paid plan.

Diib Pricing
  • मुक्त: $0/month with limited features
  • समर्थक: 7.99/month (and renews at 29.99/month) with full features

9. Can I Rank?

(Best for Traffic Building)


CanIRank is another one of the best AI SEO tools to use for getting more organic traffic. This SEO tool is among the first ones to use artificial intelligence to boost business growth.

CanIRank provides recommendations as well as actual data on the best ways to increase your rankings online. You get a chance to understand why you aren’t ranking and what to do about it.

Also, CanIRank notifies you when it comes to ranking changes and new link opportunities. You also receive content ideas and know what to write next to get more traffic and conversions. With CanIRank, you can either follow the well-articulated suggestions or access an SEO consultant to help you.

प्रमुख विशेषताऐं

  • SEO competitor analysis: Understand how ranking works and get a personalized SEO strategy.
  • लिंक भवन: Discover and analyze new link prospects for your site to boost your authority.
  • कीवर्ड अनुसंधान: The tool that helps you find keyword gaps and topics to write about.
  • Keyword difficulty: Know whether or not going after a specific keyword is the best option for you.

CanIRank Pricing

There’s a free version with limited features. The paid versions offer increased features.

CanIRank Pricing
  • मुक्त: $0/month for 1 website (limited features)
  • DIY individual: $49/month for 1 website and 25+ keywords/site
  • DIY Pro: $79/month for 7 websites and 100+ keywords/site
  • DIY Agency: $299/month for 25 websites and 200+ keywords/site

Best AI SEO Tools Comparison Table

AI SEO Software Toolकुल स्कोरन्यूनतम मूल्य/माहWhat the Tool Is Best For
1. सर्फर एसईओ[रेटिंग सितारे=”4.8″]$89सामान्य में सर्वश्रेष्ठ
2. Semrush[रेटिंग सितारे=”4.8″]$119.95Best for Technical SEO
3. आउटरैंकिंग[रेटिंग सितारे=”4.6″]$49Best for Content Strategy in SEO
4. Scalenut[रेटिंग सितारे=”4.6″]$39Best for Keyword Planning
5. रैंकआईक्यू[रेटिंग सितारे=”4.6″]$49SEO लेखन के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ
6. GrowthBar[रेटिंग सितारे=”4.4″]$48ब्लॉगिंग के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ
7. WordLift[रेटिंग सितारे=”4.2″]$65Best for Structured Data in SEO
8. Diib[रेटिंग स्टार्स=”3.8″]$0Best for Affordable SEO
9. Can I Rank?[रेटिंग स्टार्स=”3.8″]$0Best for Traffic Building

How AI Can Be Used in SEO?

Artificial intelligence can be used in SEO in a number of ways. Here are some examples:

  • कीवर्ड अनुसंधान: AI can help you find the best keywords to target for your SEO campaigns.
  • सामग्री निर्माण: You can use AI to generate new and unique content for your website or blog.
  • लिंक भवन: AI is also useful in discovering new backlink opportunities and building links to your website.
  • Position and rank tracking: It’s possible to track your position for keywords you’re ranking for on Google and other search engines with the help of an AI tool.

These are just a few of the uses of AI in SEO. If you’re looking to get a leg up on the competition, then you should definitely consider using artificial intelligence in your SEO campaigns.

What Is the Future of AI in SEO?

The future of AI in SEO looks exciting. As artificial intelligence continues to get better, the technology will become even more useful for SEO professionals. Some things that we can expect to see in the future of AI in SEO are more advanced keyword research, content generation, link-building, and rank-tracking tools, among others.

And so, AI will become even better at finding the best keywords to chase, generating well-written content for your site, locating new link opportunities, and notifying you of your content ranking.


Now, these are the best AI SEO software to use in order to rank faster and get more organic traffic this year. With these tools, you can save time and automate the SEO process while getting insights into what your competitors are doing.

So, here’s what to do next. Simply choose a tool that best fits your needs and budget and start growing your business today without paying an arm and a leg for marketing!

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