Market Yourself with Business Cards


Business cards are a powerful networking tool that can help you market your brand to connect with other people. While they may appear simple, business cards can be effective for making a lasting impression on potential clients, customers, and other professionals. If done right, a business card can make you stand out in a sea of competitors so that more opportunities come your way.

Nowadays, you don’t even need traditional paper cards for this purpose. You can use virtual business cards instead and not have to worry about carrying stacks of cards around and even losing them in the process. In this article, we’ll explore the different elements of marketing yourself with business cards, right from designing them to sharing them, and some other things in between.

How to Promote Your Brand Using Business Cards

Find out how you can market your brand and get more leads using a business card below.

Designing Your Business Card

When it comes to designing your business card, there are a few things you need to have in mind. First of all, the design and layout of your card have to be simple and the text easy to read. Cluttering your card with too much information or graphics can make it difficult to read and unappealing to potential connections.

Next, you need to choose a font, color scheme, and images that reflect your personal brand and the nature of your business. A good rule of thumb is to go with two to three colors that complement each other well. You’re free to also include images, such as your logo or a professional headshot, to give the card a personal touch.

Other than that, be sure to include essential contact information on your card, such as your name, title, company name, phone number, email address, and website. This will make it easy for potential clients to get in touch with you later on to learn more about your business.

Crafting a Memorable Tagline or Message

Your business card doesn’t have to only be covered with your contact information. You’re free to throw in a memorable tagline or message that communicates what you’re offering. It could be a catchy slogan, a memorable quote, or a short description of what you do and how someone could use your help.

To create an effective message, identify your unique selling point and think about what sets you apart from your competitors. Are you known for your impressive customer service? Do you offer friendly prices, bonus products, or extra services? Craft a concise and memorable message based on your unique selling proposition that communicates it to potential clients.

Don’t forget to include a call to action as well. It can be as simple as asking someone to visit your website to check your catalog or schedule a consultation to learn more. Including a call-to-action encourages prospects to take the next step and consider doing business with you.

Sharing Your Business Cards

When you’ve designed your business card, you can print and distribute it if you’re going with the traditional option. Because there are many quality and affordable online printing services, you just need to choose a service that meets your budget and offers a variety of paper stocks and finishes.

If you choose the digital business card option, you won’t need to print anything. Everything gets shared right on the Web! What happens is that you can share your business card details by sending a link. The person will be able to view it on their browser.

Better yet, you can have a business card with a QR code. This means that someone just needs to scan it to extract your contact info. Besides QR codes, there’s also NFC technology which allows you to tap an NFC-based business card to another phone to share your details.

Sharing your cards is just as important as designing them. Besides online events, you could attend networking events, and trade shows to build new connections.

You need to approach prospects in a polite manner, introduce yourself, and offer to share your contacts in case they may need it. You can also leave your cards with local businesses or organizations that cater to your target audience.

Following Up with Potential Clients or Partners

It’s essential to follow up with potential clients and partners after exchanging business card information. Many people are busy and tend to forget. Following up is how you can have them keep you in mind and get a chance to convince them to work with you.

Send a personalized note or email to thank them for their time and express your interest in working together. You can even follow up with a phone call or suggest a meeting to discuss some possible opportunities here and there.

Benefits of Marketing Yourself with a Digital Business Card

A traditional paper business card may not always be the most effective way to market yourself, given the new digital age. With the increasing use of mobile devices, a digital business card offers a more efficient way of exchanging contacts.

Below are some of the benefits of marketing yourself with a digital business card instead of a paper one:


One of the top benefits of a digital business card for networking and marketing is that it can be easily accessed on a mobile device. Most people carry around their phones and treat them with care.

With a digital card, potential clients can quickly save your contact information to their phone or email and even be able to access the details on their other devices. This eliminates the need to carry around a physical card which can easily get misplaced or lost.

Environmentally Friendly

A digital business card is also more friendly to the environment compared to a traditional paper card. A digital card reduces paper waste and negative environmental impact because it isn’t printed.

In the case where you have a card that uses QR codes of NFC, you’ll only need one of them and not tens. When you need to update its details, you can easily do so where you created it without reprinting, like the case with paper cards.

Also, shipping paper cards from a printing company to the actual buyer can take a toll on the environment. This is through the emission of gases into the air.


The designing and printing of traditional paper business cards can be expensive, especially if you need to update your information or design frequently. But with a digital business card, you can create and update your card easily at little to no cost.

Most digital business card platforms allow for unlimited edits anytime you need to. And the new changes happen instantly too!

More Interactive

A digital business card is much more interactive than a traditional paper card. This is because while a paper one may have one or a few graphics and text on it, you can have links to your website, social media pages, and other online platforms on a digital card.

Potential clients can visit the URLs to gather additional information about your business and engage with you. You can also include a gallery of photos, videos, and other files for anyone who accesses the card to view.

Analytics and Insights

With a digital business card, you’re able to track who has viewed and interacted with your card. These are valuable insights that will inform you of the progress in your marketing efforts. You can use the data to identify the most potential clients and make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing strategy where needed.


In conclusion, it’s possible to promote your products or services with a business card. You just need to make the design appealing, include all important information without crowding the card, and share it with potential clients or partners, depending on your line of work.

A digital business card can offer many benefits over a traditional paper card. It’s more convenient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective, making it an effective tool for marketing yourself and your business in this day and age.

另请阅读: Google Review Cards, How to Create Them, and How to Distribute Them



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